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What CEOs what to know

Updated: Sep 5, 2022

As we look forward with optimism and hope, let’s take a moment to look in the rearview mirror at what we’re hoping to leave behind and not run into again.

Yawn, COVID, yawn, the new normal, yawn, opinion and guesswork. Our perception is our reality, how we deal with it is down, of course, to us. What the past 22 months has uncovered is that we humans are incredibly resourceful and adaptable. So, why then do we continue to expect someone or something else to help improve our lives? Why do we look to external factors for answers when the real answers are staring at us in the mirror. Many of us have taken the time to examine what’s unimportant, what isn’t adding to our lives. Part of that scrutiny is where and how we work.

About 65% of the world’s population in OECD countries work. A large proportion of whom work for organisations. It will come as no surprise then that the people running those organisations have a vested interest in performance. Almost all from a fiscal perspective but sadly only a minority from a human perspective. Hint: It’s this minority who will be the winners in a post COVID (yawn) world.

The leaders we have worked with, listened to and heard quoted all have this at the top of their wish list, People Data. Specifically, timely information about their people to help them understand what’s going on at ground level in their business. It’s as simple as that. Well, like most simple questions, often the answer is anything but. So, we thought we’d dive deeper and get clarity on specifically what CEOs want to know. We researched and contacted bosses in Professional Services, Security & Defence, Engineering, Technology and Aviation to ask what it is they really want to know. From their answers we distilled it down to 2 key questions;

  1. Who is going to leave the business?

  2. How equipped are our teams to cope with change, while being productive, now and in the future?

Do you know the answer to either of these with any degree of certainty?

So, if you now take those 2 questions, what is your business doing to gather the right data at the right time so next time you’re asked, you know? For our customers, they use our ‘People Performance and Risk Impact Table’ to determine the answers to those key questions. They look at existing approaches to understand if they’re still appropriate and establish if something’s missing.

With the answers to these simple questions our clients can better understand the efficacy of their systems and structures, ultimately future proofing their organisation, so whatever happens, they’re equipped and well positioned for success. Success for their business and their people.


About yppah

yppah exists to help people understand themselves better. Our clients turn people risk into a competitive advantage by identifying and tracking reduced performance indicators, such as Presenteeism, Leavism and Burnout.

As a business, monitor trends and gather insights to ensure people systems and structures are working, at a global, office and team level. As an individual, assess where you’re at to better understand why you feel a particular way and compare your progress over time.

Using our tools, businesses identify, understand and address previously unseen problems. We enable them to assess, measure and track the resilience of their people, at scale.


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