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Take the guesswork out of how your people are.

Listen closer and understand them at a deeper level.


The world has moved forward and your future workforce want to live and work better. Identify what's impacting your people, quickly and accurately.


Full reports start from as little as £499 (ex VAT)

Use yppah as your online health assessment and impact reporting tool.


Our clients;


  1. Retain better staff

  2. Cope with change faster

  3. Build a stronger business



Accountability through measurement and action

Set benchmarks, monitor trends and gather insights to ensure systems and structures are working, at a global, office and team level.


Image by Andrew Neel

What Clients Say

“We have employee engagement and pulse surveys but neither give me a true measure of how individuals in my team are coping. Covid-19 has exacerbated this, however the yppah data has helped us become more accountable as a business by allowing individuals control over their wellbeing. With this we will be a stronger team.”
Vice President EMEA, Customer Success Services | SAP

Assess & Report

Contextual and predictive data for your business instantly



From this you can determine;


The current, specific factors and scenarios impacting the performance of your teams


The short, medium and long term
outlook for your people


Where and how to support and
develop your people

Build a more yppah business


of your people want to
be more resilient


of Gen Z are stressed and / or

anxious constantly


of your people don’t feel comfortable sharing how they really feel at work

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